Notebook Context Menu

Sunday, February 19, 2023

10:26 PM

Right-click a notebook to display its context menu. OneMore commands appear after the Notebook Sync Status item as shown here.



Archive Notebook

See also File Commands

Creates a zip file of all section in the notebook, including all images and file attachments on each page. Also fixes the hyperlinks between pages within the context of the archive so the archive can stand on its own as a working directory of HTML files with live hyperlinks.


Number Sections

See also Numbering Commands

Adds sequential prefixes to all sections in the current notebook.


Remove Section Numbers

See also Numbering Commands

Removes the numerical prefixes from all sections in the current notebook that were previously added using the Number Sections command.


Sort Sections in Notebook

Sorts the sections in the current notebook, including sections in lower section groups.


Total Words in Notebook

Generates a new page reporting the total words in each page in each section of the current notebook.



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